Client Survey Results

Survey Results for 2023

Each year, South Riverdale Community Health Centre conducts a client engagement survey. This is an organized opportunity to gather feedback from clients about their experiences at SRCHC and helps with overall evaluation and to inform planning. The survey includes questions that allow us to report back to the community, staff and the Board of Directors.

Client Survey Results

Overview of Client Survey Results 2022

At the time of the 2022 survey, SRCHC was two and a half years into a global pandemic. During this time we continued to provide services and programs to clients to some capacity that ensures their safety and well being.

This survey year we met with clients in both the 955 Queen St. E. lobbies; the COUNTERFIT site; in-person and on-line groups; Harmony Centre for Seniors; 1245 Danforth Avenue and other offsite programs. The staff spent over 70 hours to help 439 individuals complete the questions and document their experiences, stories, suggestions, and opinions. The results of the survey are reported back to the community, to SRCHC’s Board of Directors, and to staff. These results assist SRCHC to identify opportunities for improvements and celebrate as a community our work.

Client Engagement

  • 439 surveys completed in total (379 in English, 39 in Chinese, 21 in Bengali).
  • 98 surveys completed on-line.
  • 70+ hours working closely with clients to complete surveys.
  • 2000+ qualitative comments feedback provided in response to open ended questions.
  • 630 clients engaged.

Improving Health

  • 37% of clients reported that their health as “excellent” or “very good”.
  • 89% of clients feel that their sense of belonging to their community is somewhat “strong” or “very strong”.
  • 39% of clients rate their mental health as “excellent” or “very good”.
  • 88% of clients are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with our response/support during the pandemic.
  • 97% feel comfortable and welcome at SRCHC.

Experience With Virtual Care:

  • 57% found virtual/phone appointments easy to use.
  • 38% “agreed” or “strongly agreed” that it gave them the opportunity to talk to other people/peers?
  • 53% were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their virtual care experience.

What We Heard About SRCHC’s Client-Centred Approach:

  • It’s a multi-cultural queer friendly space that welcomes people with low income and a lot of trauma. I always feel respected, heard, validated and supported.”
  • “SRCHC supports all vulnerable groups, by providing medical healthcare for the people without OHIP which gives them security and mind rest that someone cares about them.”
  • “Staff kept in touch about (on) my general well being throughout the pandemic.”
  • “Everyone has done a really really great job. They don’t understand the impact they’ve had on us. We are glad there’s a survey to show our appreciation”.

How can SRCHC improve?:

We also asked clients to describe how we could improve the services/programs that we deliver. The most popular issues we heard about:

  • “Appointment timings can be adjusted a bit, to align with care needed”.
  • “Mental health support – anxiety, ADHD beyond online programs and medication – ongoing. The social worker I had was for 3 appointments and then she never followed up after the summer. Support groups or counsellor”.
  • “Wait times for physio are too long”.
  • “Make medical appointments more accessible for fast access to a doctor”.