Women’s Health Screening
A female nurse practitioner can offer women’s screening services (breast exam, pap test) if you:
- are our client, member or live in the Riverdale area, and; have difficulties finding a female clinician.
The clinic:
- is by appointment only
- offers exams by female practitioners
- offers interpretation services
- is FREE
Contact: Grace to make an appointment at (647)-642-8196 or (416) 461-1925 ext. 2248 or [email protected]
Cancer Care Ontario suggests women:
- continue breast screening until the age of 74
- repeat pap test once every 3 years, unless there is an abnormal pap in the previous years.
2023 Service Dates
Hours 9am – 12:00pm
Monday September 11 Friday October 27
Monday October 16 Friday November 24
Monday November 13 Friday December 22
Monday December 11 Friday January 26
Monday January 8 Friday February 23
Monday February 12 Friday March 29
Monday March 11
Venue Address
- 955 Queen Street East
- 955 Queen St. E
- Toronto, Ontario M4M 3P3