Registered Respiratory Therapist, Alia Maratova, Joins as Primary Care Asthma Program Educator

Alia Maratova, registered Respiratory Therapist, recently joined South Riverdale Community Health Centre as a primary care asthma program (PCAP) educator. The PCAP is an evidence-based education and management program designed for individuals with a suspected or confirmed asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) diagnosis.

Part of Alia’s role includes working with clients to create a personalized support program to promote improved health outcomes. Throughout the program, clients can expect to gain a deeper understanding of their disease, identify triggers and develop effective coping strategies, and learn techniques for medication administration. Clients can also expect to perform a simple breathing test to help confirm a diagnosis, or to monitor their disease status and treatment effectiveness. Alia is currently offering pulmonary function tests (spirometry) for all clients with asthma or COPD who need them, and is also connecting clients with chronic disease self-management programs and community resources.

As smoking is the leading cause of COPD and an important trigger for flare-ups, the PCAP also offers a smoking cessation program, which will be restarting towards the end of the year. The program will assist clients with the cost of nicotine replacement therapy products and will provide counselling for individuals who want to reduce or quit their tobacco use. In the meantime, Alia is currently providing clients with smoking cessation information and resources, and connecting interested clients to available community programs.