In early 2019, South Riverdale’s 2 Gower Street location became a partner site of Community Food Centres Canada (CFCC), a national organization that’s driving the development of community food centres across the country. Prior to this, SRCHC was and remains a Good Food Organization with CFCC with the goal of improving food security for people in our communities and creating an accessible and healthy food system. Our location at 2 Gower Street also hosts the Harmony Hall Centre for Seniors program.
In addition to our community food security programs, where space is provided for community to come together to make and eat healthy meals, we are now going to grow, cook, share, and advocate for healthy and accessible food for all as we expand our food programming.
With funding from CFCC, we have renovated the kitchen facilities at the 2 Gower Street location. This welcoming space for Harmony Hall and community members enables them to come together, and learn to cook and garden. Their health, and the general health of the community, is improved through healthier food choices. In addition to an enlarged, renovated kitchen, the hall was given energy efficient lighting, an updated ceiling, and new windows. We also redesigned and rebuilt the upstairs storage and washroom areas to make these spaces more accessible and energy- and water-efficient.
Along with other community food centres across Canada, South Riverdale CHC is increasing access to healthy food, empowering people to acquire food skills, and creating opportunities for people to become engaged in their community.