Community health centre hosted fun activities for the environment

Staff at the South Riverdale Community Health Centre prepared and served a plant-based and vegetarian meal for the community during their Earth day event on April 25. – SRCHC photo
On Thursday, April 25, South Riverdale Community Health Centre welcomed a crowd of about 75 people to celebrate Earth Day with a community gathering and a delicious plant-based and vegetarian meal. Guests were serenaded by Aqua Nibii Waawaaskone, an Anishinaabe-kwe musician, who shared songs of her culture and traditions.
We also welcomed Toronto-Danforth representatives Coun. Paula Fletcher, MPP Peter Tabuns and MP Julie Dabrusin, who all stopped by to visit the celebration held outside in the sunshine in the courtyard between the Centre and Queen Street Presbyterian Church at Queen Street East and Carlaw Avenue.
Dozens of people from the community, clients, and neighbours browsed informative and interactive booths hosted by the centre’s programs — DECNET — diabetes health, Choose Health — self-management program, MATCH — Midwifery and Toronto Community Health, and the asthma program featuring demonstrations on pole-walking, balcony gardening and carbon monoxide breath tests.
Toronto Field Naturalists, Toronto Public Library and the City of Toronto waste management program featured interactive displays including turtle shells and hornets’ nests, books and library activities on bees and spiders, recycling quiz games, roulette wheels and mini-recycling bin prizes. Visitors peddled their way to smoothies on the blender bike and joined in a tai chi demonstration.
We also offered tours of our rooftop garden and hosted a nature walk reflecting on Indigenous history and our connection to the land and the Don River.
The South Riverdale Community Health Centre has a long legacy of advocating for the environment and environmental health, and believes in health equity for all in the community, protecting local species is important to ensure access to food security and healthy, stable ecosystems.
The centre’s mission is to improve the lives of people that face barriers to physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being. We do so by meaningfully engaging our clients and communities, ensuring equitable access to primary health care, and delivering quality care through a range of evidence informed programs, services and approaches.